They smashed it! David Lloyd Emersons Green and its club members took on a fundraising challenge to support us. At the beginning of March each club department at David Lloyd took turns to raise as much money as possible over a week. The fundraising activities involved selling homemade cakes and raffle tickets to running a half marathon. They raised a whopping £4K plus. It all started with David Lloyd asking its members what local causes make a massive difference in their community, which they could impact. Paul’s Place was a clear winner.

The David Lloyd Club is all about enhancing quality of life and supporting people to live life better. It promotes relaxation, socialising and doing activities together. So there was a natural link with our charity, which supports physically disabled adults to enjoy new experiences and live life to the full.

Physical disabilities are very close to the hearts and minds of some staff and club members at David Lloyd. Their disabled friends or family members may need the lifeline of support and services we offer. It’s also reassuring we’re here for their children if they need us later in life.

The David Lloyd social media channels exploded with a beehive of fundraising activities, which kicked off its Charity Focus Week from Monday 3rd March. Each department worked hard in planning their fundraising day. The activities covered a Pancakes for Charity special, a sponsored 7k swim, car washes, exercise classes, meeting Bluey and Bingo to a half marathon (without any training). Over thirty-five local businesses kindly donated a variety of raffle prizes from winning a meal at a local restaurant, a hair and beauty makeover, a car MOT, house cleans to so much more. There was even a chance to win a one-month free membership at David Lloyd in Emersons Green.  Any donation over £5 was automatically entered into the draw.

Club Manager, Rhys Brown, says, ‘It has been incredible to watch the fundraising efforts of my Team and engagement of our members! It feels like we are making a real difference to such a great cause! This is only the beginning….’

Both staff and club members at David Lloyd are motivated to keep supporting us by fundraising, volunteering and offering services that could help us. For example, a green-fingered staff member at David Lloyd could help anyone interested in gardening at Paul’s Place. Or a customer at David Lloyd who runs a removal service could help our move from Coalpit Heath Cricket Club to Paul’s Place Hub in Shire Way. Our new premises repurposed for physically disabled people and based on what our members said.

David Lloyd will also offer us wellbeing days to enjoy its accessible club facilities, such as a hoist for getting into its swimming pool.

The Club pulled the community in Emersons Green and local businesses together to support our charity. To stay updated with the David Lloyd fundraising activities in Emersons Green, please follow them on Instagram:


And please support our appeal to get us into Paul’s Place Hub by Summer 2025. It will make a massive difference for physically disabled people across the South West region.

Paul’s Place Hub