In 2020 we supported 89 disabled adults and 24 unpaid carers to live life to the full
From the first lockdown in March until December 2020, Paul’s Place at Home had a big impact.
3,990 calls to disabled adults to discuss their worries and offer companionship
304 calls to carers to discuss their worries and offer companionship
406 hours of virtual peer support for carers
917 video calls and 1,327 hours on Zoom with disabled adults
435 community meet-ups and home visits between July and October 2020
Our one-to-one phone calls with members of staff provided companionship, offered a safe space to talk and for those who needed extra support, we were able to connect them with additional services.
“Makes me feel still part of Paul’s Place – I haven’t been forgotten”
How we keep people safe in our day facility
With 30 members per day, we ask staff, members and volunteers all to do regular lateral flow tests before coming into our day facility.
We have also recently added Co2 monitors to measure the air quality, reducing the risk of infection further.
How keep you safe
- Temperature checks & Sanitizing Stations
- Personal Protective Equipment for personal care
- Increased Cleaning Schedule
Introducing a “traffic light system”
Green dot – I am happy to have people close
Amber dot – Please ask me before coming to close
Red dot – Please respect my personal space and maintain social distancing around me
So although we’re no longer keeping bubbles or social distancing while moving around the building, all the other safety precautions remain to ensure we can enjoy a little more freedom in the safest way possible. The traffic light system will also help those feeling unsure about the recent changes.